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CEDD Contract No. : NE/2017/05
Road Widening and Retrofitting Noise Barrier on Tai Po Road (Sha Tin Section)
Temporary Road Closure and Construction Works During
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Establishment Holiday 2024

Date: 24 June 2024

To facilitate road reconstruction of this project, the slip road from Sha Tin Rural Committee Road to Tai Po Road – Sha Tin Section (Northbound) will be temporarily closed for approximately 3 days from 7 a.m. of 29 June 2024 (Saturday) till 6 a.m. of 2 July 2024 (Tuesday). (see Figure 1)

With consideration of heavy traffic flow at Tai Po Road, slip road from Sha Tin Rural Committee Road to Tai Po Road – Sha Tin Section (Northbound) would be closed during Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Establishment holiday of which the traffic flow is comparatively low. The slip road would be temporarily closed for road reconstruction. During this period, site activities would be continued around the clock. To reduce noise nuisance to residents, the noise sensitive works such as breaking of road surface with deploy of machinery would be carried out on 29 June (Saturday) from 10 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. While, other less noise generated activities such as laying of bitumen pavement and loading and unloading of construction material would not be limited to day time. Since the temporary traffic arrangement would be implemented continuously over a few days, it will be carried out in one go without interruption before releasing the work front during peak hours. As such, it is anticipated that such an operation could reduce around 5 to 6 weekends of night works. We believe that this construction plan could reduce noise and traffic nuisance to residents.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused and will strive for completion promptly.

24-hour Hotline 5613-3367

(Figure 1) Road Reconstruction at Slip Road from Sha Tin Rural Committee Road to Tai Po Road – Sha Tin Section (Northbound)
China Railway–China Railway First Group–Zhen Hua Engineering Joint Venture
